
Pool cleaner repairs

Dolphin Robotic Pool Cleaner Repairs Not only do we strip, clean and evaluate all the mechanical and electrical components that bring these amazing robotic pool cleaners to life, we are set up with the latest computer analytics and diagnostic equipment that allows us to pull data directly from the PCB to provide us with accurate reporting and a clear breakdown of the behavior of the robot pool cleaners in your pool. This is what separates us and genuinely helps us to provide the highest level of service while reporting on and conducting a cleaner Dolphin robotic pool repair. We can mostly service your Dolphin robotic pool cleaner with-in 48hrs and return it. Your Dolphin robotic pool cleaner repair is done using only genuine parts backed by manufacturer’s warranty and a 100 percent guarantee of quality in our workmanship. If you need any assistance, need professional customer support, or are searching for a company that can take care of your highest-level Dolphin roboti

Dolphin S300i Robotic Pool Cleaner

Advance a new pool cleaning experience with this top of the line robot that gives the advanced capabilities even more convenience and independence. The active brush rotates 2x the Dolphin's speed, leading to improved cleaning and scrubbing Dolphin S300i has a multi-layer filter basket with ultra-fine filter screens and an insert screen with rough net filter capturing all the finer material and debris. Control your Dolphin S300i through the district-of - the-art multi-function power supply or use your smartphone or tablet's My Dolphin app to set up cleaning programs and remotely control the robot with manual navigation. The robot's blinking LED indicates active mode. Control your Dolphin S300i through the district-of - the-art multi-function power supply or use your smartphone or tablet's My Dolphin app to set up cleaning programs and remotely control the robot with manual navigation. The robot's blinking LED indicates active mode. The Dolphin S